
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
-John Quincy Adams

Friday, May 22, 2009


It is critical that you as a leader know what your strengths are so you can put them to the most effective use and your weaknesses so you can work to improve them. We will get into this more at the end of the summer and during the semester, but right now what I'd like for each of you to do is take a look at the 15 qualities that form Coach Wooden's "Pyramid of Success". From what you have read about each of these qualities and what you know about yourself try to accurately list your top five strengths and your five main weaknesses.

You may want to consider putting together a preliminary list and then taking it to a friend or someone who knows you well and will be honest with you for their input.

Everyone has strengths and everyone has weaknesses. It's nothing to be embarrassed about and putting them out in front of those you'll be working closely with next year will be extremely beneficial down the road as you begin to rely on one another and work together as a team. The purpose of this program is development, and development requires honest evaluation, so don't be shy...



  1. I agree with the majority of what e says but I disagree abot him saing that goals serve a little if not worthless use in anything one does. I think that it is absolutely necessary to have goals so one knows where their going and what processes one needs to get there. But i do agree that how one gets to that goal still presides over what that goal is.

  2. Thanks Jesse, I think maybe you put this comment on the wrong post, but no worries. What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses??

  3. Well i would say one of my strenghts would be the ability to see a goal and can create steps to get to that goal. one case was when i was in middle school and i was in a group of 3 and i assigned the tasks that each person did and helped coordinate each task and we got an A on the project. A weakness would probably be that i can sometimes not trust (trust is a bit too much but you get the idea) my partner(s)enough to complete the task as well as i could and i end up doing it myself and my partner do nothing. These are my strenghts and weaknesses. -Jesse

  4. Strengths:
    1. Enthusiasm - Especially when it's something I enjoy or am passionate about
    2. Industriousness - I've learned recently that working hard isn't always enough. You have to work hard WITH A PURPOSE to be industrious
    3. Friendship - I'm relational and facing struggles together I think is one of the best ways to develop a lasting bond.
    4. Initiative - I like seeking out what needs to be done a trying to do it before someone has to tell me... it's kind of a challenge, or a competition with myself.
    5. Team Spirit - While every like the glory from time to time, I am generally more concerned with the teams well being than my own.

    1. Loyalty 2. Intentness 3. Alertness 4. Self-Control 5. Poise

    For me all of these are tied together. I struggle with having an even keel. When things are good, they're great, but when things aren't going well I don't do a good job of staying focused, staying committed, staying enthusiastic... It's something I have struggled with for a long time, and while it has come a long way, it's still tough for me to battle through the times of famine when everything inside me wants to bail and search for greener pastures.

  5. Strengths:Poise, confidence,enthusiasm,intentness, alertness
    weaknesses:Cooperation, self-control, poise, team spirit

  6. Strengths:Friendship,team spirit,loyalty,enthusiasm,intentness

  7. My five stengths would be:
    1. competitive greatness-I love to get everything done and put forth my best every time.
    2.Confidence-When doing something I always try to keep the state of mind that in the endwe will reach our goal.
    3.Alertness-From my freshmen council alertness came quick to me its not about what we have done but what needed to get done.
    4.initiative-When I see that something is not done I try to take action upon it.
    5.Industiousness-I work hard towards all my goals.

    My weaknessess:
    1.Self-control-I am a naturally loud person.
    2.Team spirit-I tend to think of my personal lifes importance.
    3.Cooperation-I love having things my way more than i do others.
    4.Condition-I tend to focus on my personal life more.
    5.Faith-I can never fully believe that everything will be perfect in the end.

  8. My Strengths:
    1. Industriousness
    2. Enthusiasm
    3. Poise
    4. Loyalty
    5. Friendship

    My Weaknesses:
    1. Initiative
    2. Intentness
    3. Alertness
    4. Self-control
    5. Confidence

  9. Strengths:
    1.Competitive Greatness...I definitely love "the hard battle" (esp. against St. Mary's)
    2.Friendship...I would be nothing without my teammates and peers
    3.Industriousness...It sucks sometimes but hard work is important to me
    4.Enthusiasm...I hate wasting my time. I try hard to put my energy toward things that actually mean something to me.
    5.Intentness...Focusing on the goal is critical

    1.Patience...I like things done the right way in a timely manner
    2.Confidence...Many obstacles and opponents are often intimidating to me
    3.Skill...There is always room for improvement
    4.Self-control...It is easy to get frustrated or angry when things aren't going well
    5.Cooperation...Sometimes I get caught up in my own desires

  10. My strengths:
    1. Enthusiasm - I always try to enjoy everything I do.
    2. Loyalty - I'm mostly true to myself, and I give out my trust to my teammates.
    3. Friendship - Obviously, unlike coach Wooden, I don't need to be concerned with showing favoritism. I always try to befriend with strangers, and I try to get along with others.
    3. Team Spirit - I believe this is critical. And I try my best always to arouse it.
    4. Condition - I look after myself, and always try to think ahead.
    5. Initiative - I believe this is very important. I set up goals, and strive to achieve them.

    My Weaknesses
    1. Poise - Sometimes, when I fail, I lose my composure and crumble.
    2. Industriousness - I sometimes slack off and get lazy.
    3. Self-Control - I need to work on this; controlling myself is challenging to me.
    4. Skill - Of course, I need to hone my skill. Like coach Wooden, I would love to master everything in my field.
    5. Confidence - When I fail, I sometimes lose my confidence. This is a critical-hit for me, and I need to work on reviving my confidence every time I fail.

  11. My Strengths
    1.leadership-because I chose what is right even when it's not the popular choice
    2.personality-im happy even in the worst situation and I try to make everyone else happy 3.loyal-I don't take sides even when everyone else is I am more of a leader than a follower
    4.Athletic-I care abou tmy health and my fitness
    5.Committed-I stick to what I say

    My Weaknesses
    1.Patience-I want whatever is going to happen to happen on time and I don't like waiting and I get bored easy.
    2.Communication- I put my input in a little more than I should
    3.Procrastinate- I would rather do something fun outside than be stuck inside dong something boring
    4.Concentration-I can't concentrate on one thing for a long time
    5.Discouraged easily- I could be doing well but if I don't feel I'm doing good I put myself down

  12. Strengths:


  13. Strengths

    2)Group speaking
