
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
-John Quincy Adams

Monday, June 1, 2009

Walk the Walk...

For this week I think I am going to combine my favorite quote and the "Question Of The Week" into the same post. So, all you need do is list your own favorite quote from the chapter and answer the question in the same "comment".

Hopefully that makes sense...

"Actions trump words, and your values must be visible if they are to have an impact on those you lead... Your behavior as a leader - WHAT YOU DO - creates the environment in which the team functions." (pp 74-75)

It took me too long to realize that those I was striving to lead followed best when they saw in me an example worth following. Through HS and into college I thought that because of my position as long as I told people what needed to be done they would take my word for it and do it. Sometimes they did, but the more I was put into a position of leadership the more I realized the truth in the old adage "Your actions speak louder than your words". It was amazing to me to see that if I took the initiative and did what needed to be done to the best of my ability, those I was leading would usually do the same. However if I would merely tell those I was leading to do what needed to be done, they would only contribute the amount of effort they saw me putting in.

What I said had some impact, and what you say will too. Words can be powerful motivators, but without the actions to back them they are powerful for only a very short time. To have a lasting impact (ie throughout the season, or throughout the year) your actions must be something others can look to as an example.

So that brings me to my question...

In whatever arena you're going to be participating (you may have to answer this differently if you are involved in multiple venues) 1. What are two or three SPECIFIC GOALS you want those you are leading to achieve, and 2. what are some SPECIFIC ACTIONS that will help guide those you are leading to those goals?

Have a good week!



  1. Two specific goals I want those who I am leading are:
    1.To give 100% in anything they do.
    2.strive for your best.

    For all of those to which I will be leading I take the action upon myself to encourage you every way I possibly can and to also strive for my best and give 100% everytime.Because if you ask someone to do something you need to be willing to do it yourself.

    From Coach Wooden,"character counts and values matter". This is such a simple quote for a big meaning. Character which is not only important to our book but one of the five school pillars is simply who you are when no one is looking. Character in needed where ever you go and is neccesary to become a great leader. Values are the things that matter to you most. With these two things set high for success you can truley become a great leader.

  2. Two goals I want my minions :) to reach:
    1.Trusting in and following me
    2.Working hard at everything, even practice (for the soccer guys)

    My actions:
    1.Work harder than anyone else
    2.Be uplifting and worthy of trust
    3.Be patient, humble, and cooperative.

    "Actions trump words..." Gripping quote. Love it.

  3. My two goals:
    1. Avoid procrastinating the planning of events
    2. Not being afriad to try different things or events

    Leading by example is what I can do best, so if I can learn to procrastinate less and less everyday, even if it's with little things, I can do big and small events with lots of time beforehand. Also, I can be welcoming and open minded to ideas that may seem new to me and try to put them into effect.

    I like the quote where Wooden says, "I sought character in players rather than players who were characters." I think it's cool because we all want to be remembered for being unique characters. Although the most funny, the most talented, the most popular, etc. are often sought after so strongly, we tend to forget character. We should strive to be the one with amazing character above all else.

  4. My two goals:

    I always set up these goals that I would love to achieve. However, chances are, I procrastinate and usually do not achieve these goals. I want to at least finish things that I started, and I want to show other people that I keep my word.

    Coach Wooden said, "A strong leader accepts blame and gives credit. A weak leader gives blame and accepts the credit."
    I like getting the applause, but I hate criticism. That's why, when someone praises my team, I try to get all the credit, and when someone criticizes my team, I blame the faults on someone else. I realize now, that this habit of mine is terribly wrong. I should try not to blame others and give credit to my teammates.

  5. My two goals:
    1. Bring new ideas and events to James Irwin
    2. Have more school spirit and pride
    To achieve these goals we can try new things and be open to new ideas. We must also put a lot of effort into student council.

    "Character counts and values matter. And you, the leader, set the standard for both in your organization." This quote shows the necessity of leading by example. The leader sets teh tone for everyone involved.

  6. 1.team

    1.try to put love and trust into the teams so the care about eachother and they aren't just there to do what they are there for.
    2.people to help out and get involved with student council even if they aren't
    3.to try to put efort into what they do

  7. 1.
    -Be open and honest with eachother, forming a bond which will help in planning and completeing our tasks.
    -Work as one, but bring individual strengths to the table to create a strong team.

    Being at the high school level, EVERYTHING tends to become overdramatic. If we cut the drama out, our projects and goals will be able to be completed without a hitch.

    "If you don't care about the code of conduct held by those you lead, you're not a good leader."

  8. My two goals
    1)lead efficiently and fairly
    2)be more confident

    Goals for those im leading
    1)do their best at all times
    2)stay positive and have fun even when losing

    "Teams with a sense of family have uncommon strength and resiliency. A good family-whether in life, sports, or business-involves love."

  9. Sorry i put the wrong quote in this blog without thinking. I meant to put this one.
    "Successful leadership is not about being tough or soft, sensitive or assertive, but about a set of attributes." It's very important to lead through example.

  10. My Goals,
    1)have more confidence
    2)do my best at everything I do

    Goals for those I am leading
    1)always try their hardest
    2)work together toaccomplish their goals

    "When it comes to character and values, you don't need to become a preacher, just an effective teacher who understands the power of setting a good example, especially when it comes to standards and values."

  11. My goals,
    1.achieve the job that is expected of me to the best of my ability
    2.do a good job but avoiding the spotlight

    Goals for those i lead,
    1.honesty to oneself and others
    2.cohesive cooperation to all members of the team regardless of previous history or beliefs

    I love chesea's quote, im not copying her but i loe that quote. "If you don't care about the code of conduct held by those you lead, you're not a good leader."

  12. 1. Be able to know how my peers are feeling without having to ask
    2. meet all deadlines on events we're planning

    To do this i will have to develop a deeper relationship with the others surrounding me. In order to meet deadlines it will require two simple things: organization and prioritization(if thats a word)

  13. 1. Be confident in our team
    2. Believe in the decisions that are made

    Now fulfilling is harder. You see for my peers to be confident in me I must have a good connection with them. As for them believing in me I just have to do my best!
